本文介绍了CARE kV-智能最佳kV扫描技术的工作原理和应用意义。作为CT业界唯一地能够根据检查目的和受检者个体情况自动设置最佳kV值的CT扫描技术,CARE kV不但能够最优化CT扫描的个性化辐射剂量水平,降低受检者接受的辐射剂量,而且同时也能够提高CT图像质量。CARE kV的使用还可以减少造影剂使用的总量、浓度和注射速率。
The paper introduced CARE kV-Intelligent optimal kV scanning technology, mainly focusing on its principle and applications. CARE kV is an unique low dose technology that can optimize and patient's customized radiation dose by using optimized kV setting based on CT examination destination and patient's conditions. CARE kV can reduce patient's radiation dose and improve CT image quality synchronously. CARE kV also has positive function of reducing the volume/concentration/injection speed of contrast media during CT contrast examination.
China Medical Devices