目的 探讨瑞-姬氏(Wright-Giemsa)混染配比浓度和不同染色时间对染色效果的影响.方法 以瑞-姬氏混染、瑞氏单染、姬氏单染对HepG2细胞进行染色,瑞氏法和姬氏法单染的时间分别为3和5 min,瑞-姬氏混染采用不同的染液配比和染色时间,配比范围在3∶1~1∶3之间5个不同的配比浓度,分别染色1、3、5、10和15 min,观察其对染色效果的影响.结果 3∶1瑞-姬氏混染3~5 min可以获得较瑞氏或姬氏单一染色更好的染色效果.结论 瑞-姬氏混合染色法可应用于微核试验中的细胞染色,并可获得良好的染色效果.
Objective To apply the Wright-Giemsa stain in micronucleus test and to explore the stain outcomes of Wright-Giemsa dye of various proportions and staining times.Methods Use Wright- Giemsa dye,Wright dye (staining time 3 min) and Giemsa dye (staining time 5 min) to stain HepG2 and then observe the staining effect.The Wright- Giemsa dye was applied under 5 different proportions (3∶1~1∶3) and different staining times (1,3,5,10,15 min).Results After stained for 3~5 min with the proportion ratio of 3∶1 of Wright-Giemsa dye,the HepG2 cells showed much better staining outcomes compared with the single stain of either Wright or Giemsa.Conclusions Wright-Giemsa stain can be used in cell micronucleus test to obtain good staining outcomes.
Chinese Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases