本文目的在于检验人-岗匹配度(person-job fit)在授权型领导力和员工自我效能感之间的调节作用。来自深圳15家企业的253名员工填写了我们的调查问卷,最终227份有效问卷构成本研究的样本。基于多元回归分析结果,我们发现人-岗匹配度的调节效应存在;画出的图形显示相比于人-岗匹配度高的员工,对人-岗匹配度低的员工的授权更能增加其自我效能感。最后,我们讨论了本研究的贡献与不足。
Our study aimed at confirming person-job fit as a moderator on the relationship between empowering leadership and employee self-efficacy.253 employees from 15 firms in Shenzhen filled in the questionnaires,among which 227 were effective as our final samples.Results from regression analyses confirmed our hypotheses.Namely,empowering leadership had a more positive effect on self-efficacy for employees low in person-job fit than those high in person-job fit.In addition,we discussed our contributions and limitations.
Chinese Journal of Ergonomics