目的分析上海市徐汇区急性病毒性肝炎(急性肝炎)的流行特征,为完善肝炎防治策略和措施提供依据。方法对2000~2010年户籍人口急性肝炎疫情和病原学分型年报进行分析。结果 2000~2010年徐汇区急性肝炎年均发病率为26.88/10万,青壮年高发,男女发病比例为1.70:1,城乡结合地区发病率(32.32/10万)高于中心城区发病率(20.34/10万)。年平均死亡率0.11/10万,病死率0.33%。结论 2000~2010年徐汇区急性肝炎发病率总体呈下降趋势,戊肝在病毒性肝炎构成中呈上升趋势,近5年来发病率下降不显著,提示在继续做好甲、乙肝疫苗接种的基础上,应加强针对戊肝的防控措施。
Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of acute viral hepatitis in Xuhui district Shanghai in order to provide related evidence for perfecting the strategies and measures for the treatment and pre- vention on hepatitis. Methods Analysis is conducted on the annals of epidemic status and pathogeny of acute viral hepatitis in the registered residents from 2000 to 2010. Results The annual average incidence rate of acute viral hepatitis in Xuhui district from year 2000 to 2010 was 26.88 per 100 000. The incidence of young and middle-aged adults was the highest; incidence ratio of male and female was 1.70:1. The incidence of urban-rural regions (32.32 per 100 000) is higher than that of downtown areas (20.34 per 100 000). Average mortality rate was 0.11 per 100 000, mortality 0.33%. Conclusion The incidence rate of acute viral hepatitis in Xuhui district from year 2000 to 2010 shows an declining trend. But the incidence of viral hepatitis E was not reduced significantly during the past 5 years and shows an upward trend with the form of acute viral hepatitis. It suggested that prevention and control measures should be strengthened against HEV on the preliminary use of hepatitis A vaccine and hepatitis B vaccine.
Foreign Medical Sciences:Section of Medgeography
viral hepatitis, incidence rate
epidemiological characteristics