目的 观察早期宫颈癌筛查对育龄期妇女生殖健康的促进作用.方法 分别于2008年和2009年两次对以上海市虹口区新港街道的育龄期妇女作为调查对象进行宫颈癌筛查,并进行统计学分析.结果 2008年对2001名调查对象完成筛查,并于2009年对1 107名调查对象完成复查.全部调查对象均未发现外生殖器疣、外生殖器溃疡和外生殖器尖锐湿疣,外生殖器炎症/感染的检出率相对较高.将两次检查结果进行配对分析,结果显示一般妇科检查及病理诊断中初次检查为阳性的患者在复查时大部分已康复,新筛出患者的阳性率远低于初筛时的阳性率.初筛与复查时检出生殖器炎症/感染阳性率比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=21.4,P〈0.001).结论 本次筛查以及随后的健康教育活动对育龄妇女的生殖健康起到了积极促进作用.
Objective To evaluate the promoting effect of early screening of cervical cancer among women of childbearing age. Methods The early screening of cervical cancer among women of childbearing age in Hongkou District was done in 2008 and 2009 respectively, and the results were statistically analyzed. Results 2001 women were screened in 2008 for the first time and 1 i07 of them were screened again in 2009. Verruca, ulcer and pointed condyloma were not found, and the detection rate of external genital inflammation/infections was relatively high. Match - analysis of screenings in 2008 and in 2009 showed that most of the ailments found in the first screening got well when second screening was done and the positive rate screened in second time reduced significantly. The difference in positive rate of external genital inflammation/infections between first and second screening was statistically significant (X2 = 21. 4, P 〈 0. 001 ). Conclusion Early screening of cervical cancer among women and the following heath education promote the procreant health of women of childbearing age.
Chinese Journal of Woman and Child Health Research
procreant health
cervical cancer