
子宫颈癌患者1563例发病因素分析 被引量:1

Retrospective analysis on 1563 cases of cervical cancer patients
摘要 目的 分析子宫颈癌的发病趋势、年龄构成和诱导因素.方法 采用回顾性研究和调查的方法,对1980年1月至2006年1月收治的1563例子宫颈癌患者的临床资料以及妇产科体检的600名非子宫颈癌妇女进行封闭式调查问卷.结果 子宫颈癌发生有年轻化趋势,36~55岁为高危年龄段,绝经期妇女发生率显著下降.孕产次数、不良性行为(初次性交年龄小、多个性伴侣)、吸烟等是子宫颈癌发生的诱因.结论 重视子宫颈癌年轻化趋势,加强子宫颈癌筛查、加强宣教、增加防癌意识,倡导健康生活方式是防治子宫颈癌的关键. Objective To analyze the trend of cervical cancer, age structure and influencing factors. Methods Retrospective study and survey. The 1563 patients with cervical cancer and gynecological medical examination of 600 non-cervical cancer patients who took part in Physical examination in the obstetrics and gynecology department received the enclosed analysis questionnaire. Results Cervical cancer is becoming a trend of cervical cancer patients being younger, high risk period at the age of 36 to 55, and the downward trend towards the menopausal women. The number of being pregnant, ma]-sexuality (the first sexual intercourse at a younger age, or many sexual partners), and smoking are the causes which lead to cervical cancer. Conclusion Give great importance to a trend of cervical cancer patients being younger; screening, publicity and education about cervical cancer;, missionaries and strengthen anti-cancer awareness, promote a healthy lifestyle, which is the key to prevention and treatment of cervical cancer.
出处 《肿瘤研究与临床》 CAS 2008年第6期425-426,共2页 Cancer Research and Clinic
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