Different from foreign studies on the relation between the exchange rate pass-through and inflation ( whose ERPT signs are all negative), this paper finds that the domestic relevant researches appear the phenomenon that there are either "positive" or "negative" in the ERPT symbols and even have both, which reveals that the Chinese exchange rate pass-through effect may have some unique "native" features, but the current researches did not give enough attentions and reasonable explanations about it. Based on the non-liner analysis, the paper shows that the relation between China's exchange rate pass-through coefficients and inflation still supports Taylor's representative conclusion, but ERPT symbols appear either positive or negative and have the features of smooth conversion "from negative to positive" along with the rise of inflation in the form of LSTAR. Moreover, the ERFY symbols are asymmetric because they are almost negative in the period of low inflation, but positive in the period of high inflation. This means that the exchange rate change has different response mechanisms to the pass-through direction of the home price in different inflation environments. To this point, the authors propose certain explanation and related policy suggestions from the view of the specific macroeconomic situation behind high inflation.
Journal of Financial Research