
适用于图书馆的技术措施规避例外现状剖析 被引量:6

Status and Characteristics of Exceptions of Technological Measures Circumvention Applicable to Libraries
摘要 从世界层面、地区层面和主要国家层面三个角度分析可适用于图书馆的技术措施规避例外的发展现状,指出主要国家著作权法律有关图书馆可适用的技术措施规避例外规定的现状特点表现为:概括性例外与个别性例外并存;对图书馆可适用的技术措施规避例外实施严格限制;建立可适用于图书馆的技术措施规避例外的定期修订机制。 From the perspective of world level, district level and national level, current status of exceptions of technological measures circumvention applicable to libraries is analyzed in this paper. The eharacteristics of exceptions of technological measures circumvention applicable to libraries can be concluded as follow: general and specific exceptions of technological measures circumvention applicable to libraries are cu-existing; there are strict restrictions to exceptions of technological measures circumvention applicable to libraries; regularly updating mechanism of exceptions of technological measures circumvention applicable to libraries is established.
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第21期36-39,51,共5页 Library and Information Service
基金 <图书情报工作>杂志社出版基金重点项目"国外图书馆法内容演变趋势研究"(项目编号:2010CB001)研究成果之一
关键词 图书馆 技术措施 技术措施规避例外 著作权例外 library technical measure exceptions of technological measure circumvention copyright exception
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