Objective To understand the prevalence and risk factors of diabetic retinopathy (DR) in patients with di- abetes mellitus (T2DM) in Cuigezhuang community and to provide reference for diabetic blindness prevention. Methods Cluster sampling method was applied and Cuigezhuang community was enrolled in the study of jointed management of type 2 diabetes by grade A class 3 hospitals and multiple community health centers ( Aug. 2008 ) . A total of 329 T2DM patients entered the study voluntarily and finished investigation forms under the guidance of specially trained physicians. Physical and laboratory examinations were also carried out on these subjects. Results Seventy - four out of the 329 cases were with diabetic retinopathy [ prevalence rate, 22. 49%, 95% CI ( 17. 98%, 27.00% ) ] ; non - proliferative and proliferative retinopathy accounted for 89. 2% and 10. 8% respectively. DR incidence rate decreased as the income grew ( P = 0. 031 ), while increased with the increase of duration (P 〈 0. 01 ) and HbA1clevel (P 〈 0. 01 ) . With the influence among individual factors adjusted, compared with patients with in- comes less than 1 000 Yuart/month, those with incomes between 1 000 and 2 000 Yuan/month and more than 2 000 Yuan/month displayed risk ratios of 0. 470 [95% CI (0. 240, 0. 920) ] and 0. 281 [95% CI (0. 060, 1. 327) ], respectively; compared with patients with durations less than 5 years, those with durations between 5 and 10 years and with durations more than 10 yearsdisplayed risk ratios of 1. 644 [ 95% CI (0. 764, 3. 536) ] and 3. 246 [ 95% CI ( 1. 447, 7. 283 ) ; respectively; compared with patients with HbA1clevels under 6. 5% , those with HbA1c between 6. 5% and 7.5% and with HbA1c levels above 7.5% dis- playedrisk ratiosofl. 490 [95%CI (0.653, 3.399)], 3.192 [95%CI (1.562, 6.526)3 .Conclusion Income, HbA1c level, and length of duration are independent risk factors of DR. Early diagnosis, early treatment and blood glucose control are important to the
Chinese General Practice
Diabetes mellitus, type2
Diabetic retinopathy
Risk Factors