
美国弗吉尼亚大学五年一贯制教师教育模式探析 被引量:2

A Probe into the Five-Year Integrated Teacher Education Model in the University of Virginia of America
摘要 五年一贯制教师教育模式作为自20世纪80年代兴起的一种整合型教师教育模式,经过二十余年的发展与完善,在美国当今的教师教育研究与实践中已占有一席之地。弗吉尼亚大学作为该模式的首创者和成功践行者,其五年一贯制模式得到了多方的高度认可。该模式中一体化的培养体制、高度融合的课程以及密切合作的师资是践行教师教育理论与实践、学科专业教育与教育专业教育有机融合理念的集中体现和重要保障。 The five-year integrated teacher education is a kind of integrated model of teacher education which emerged in the 1980s.After over 20 years development and improvement,it has occupied its position in American teacher education research and practice.As the first inventor and successful practicer,the five-year integrated teacher education in the University of Virginia has earned high marks from various sources.The integrated cultivating system, the highly integrated curriculum and the close cooperation of teachers in this model are the central manifestation and magnitude guarantee for the practice of the following concept: the theory and practice ,the subject matter education and the pedagogical education in teacher education should be integrated.
作者 张晓莉
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第8期70-75,共6页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 全国教育科学"十一五"重点课题<高质量教师培养中教育实习的构建与实施的实践研究>(项目批准号:DIA080115)
关键词 美国 弗吉尼亚大学 教师教育模式 五年一贯制 America University of Virginia models of teacher education five-year integrated model
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