目的: 探讨小鼠感染日本血吸虫后肝脏与骨髓产生Th2 细胞因子的变化。方法: 采用免疫组化测定,并用多媒体病理图文定量分析, 观察感染后第8、10 及第12 周小鼠肝脏及骨髓IL-4、IL-5 和IL-10 的变化。结果及结论: 在感染小鼠肝脏, IL-4, IL-5 和IL-10 随感染时间的延长而明显升高, 且以IL-4 最为明显。而在骨髓,IL-4随感染时间延长而升高, 但在第10 及12 周时明显低于肝脏; IL-5在感染的第12 周内明显高于肝脏, IL-10在感染的10 w k 前呈增高趋势,但第12 周下降,并明显低于肝脏。小鼠的肝脏是感染日本血吸虫后机体免疫应答的主要场所, 而在感染骨髓中, IL-5存在明显的自分泌。
AIM: To observe the changes in Th2 cytokines in the liver and bone marrow of mice infected with schistosomiasis japonica. METHODS: ABC immunohistochemical staining technique and multimedia pathological picture analysis were used. Meanwhile, IL\|4, IL\|5 and IL\|10 derived from livers and bone marrows of infected mice were observed at wk 8, 10 and 12 after infection. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: In the livers of infected mice, the levels of IL\|4, IL\|5 and IL\|10 increased obviously with a prolongation of the infection duration, IL\|4 being the highest. However, in the bone marrow of infected mice, IL\|4 level increased slowly with the duration of the infection, being lower than those in the liver at wk 10 and 12 after infection. The level of IL\|5 was higher than that in the liver within 12 wk. At wk 10 after infection IL\|10 tended to increase, but decreased thereafter and was obviously lower than that in the liver. In mice infected with Schistosoma japonicum, the immune response occurred mainly in the liver. IL\|5 in the bone marrow showed auto\|secretion. \;
Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases