
斯德哥尔摩内城交通拥挤收费政策述评 被引量:14

Review on "congestion charging" policy in Stockholm's inner city
摘要 在回顾斯德哥尔摩内城地区"交通拥挤收费"政策出台背景的基础上,从收费时间、收费区域、收费标准、收费对象、付费方式等方面,概括了其交通拥挤收费政策的主要内容;从交通流量、出行时间、出行方式等方面分析了交通拥挤收费政策的治理效果;对斯德哥尔摩"交通拥挤收费"政策的探索历程进行了政策评判。认为拥挤收费政策带有强烈的政治色彩,是政党联盟与政治妥协的产物;拥挤收费政策是一套囊括诸多措施、相互间配合严密的一揽子方案;拥挤收费政策采取了政府引导、公众参与的审慎推进策略;拥挤收费政策构建了科学的信息沟通、反馈机制以及决策支持系统;拥挤收费政策虽取得较好的效果,但仍然可能存在一系列负面效应;拥挤收费政策的运行主体多元,相互间展开了有序分工与密切协作。 With the increasing gap between traffic infrastructure construction and traffic volumes,congestion charging policy is taken as a way of traffic elimination in Stockholm's inner city.Based on a background of public transportation,infrastructure construction and planning legislation in Stockholm,the basic information of Stockholm congestion charging are introduced briefly,including the boundary,charges,payment system,and penalty etc.Then the traffic effects from the viewpoint of traffic volumes,travel times and travel pattern are analyzed.In the end of this article,some experiences of Stockholm congestion charging are summarized and pointed out,such as that the Stockholm congestion charging is a political compromise among various parties,that Stockholm congestion charging is a strategy that can not go without positive interaction between government guide and public participation,that the negative side effects of congestion charging are inevitable and that many institutions have participated in congestion charging strategy and they work together with close collaboration.
出处 《城市问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第8期2-9,共8页 Urban Problems
基金 上海财经大学"211工程"三期重点学科建设项目 上海社会科学项目(2009BCK002)--基于非市场价值估计理论的城市交通政策绩效评价
关键词 交通拥挤收费 内城 斯德哥尔摩 试验 交通治理效果 congestion charging inner city Stockholm trial traffic governance effects
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