
《欧洲语言共同参考框架》对我国大学英语教育的影响研究 被引量:31

An Impact Study of the CEFR on Chinese College English Education
摘要 《欧洲语言共同参考框架》(CFER)自问世以来,对欧洲和其他地区国家语言教育政策产生了深远影响。本研究采用质性研究方法,通过采访四位直接参与我国大学英语教育政策文件《大学英语课程教学要求》制定工作的学者,探究CEFR对制定该文件产生的影响。访谈表明:CEFR从理念和文本表述上影响了《大学英语课程教学要求》,但受制于我国教育传统和社会语言环境,CEFR对我国大学英语教育实践还没有产生实质影响;教育传统、社会语言环境和教学实践三者构成了国际语言教育政策对他国产生影响的过滤器。 The CEFR has had a major impact at the level of language education policy in many countries within and beyond Europe since its inception. This study, by adopting a qualitative approach, interviewed four scholars involved in developing the Chinese English Curriculum Requirements in order to measure the impact of the CEFR on Chinese College English education. Analyses of the interviews have revealed that the CEFR has impacts on Chinese College English education in terms of conceptualization and the wording of the College English Requirements. However, the ideas transferred from the CEFR have not been fully translated into classroom practice due to the restrictions of Chinese educational tradition and sociolinguistic setting. It is concluded that the educational tradition, sociolinguistic setting as well as practitioners constitute the three filters in the process of language education policy impacts in the international context.
出处 《中国外语》 CSSCI 2011年第4期31-38,共8页 Foreign Languages in China
关键词 《欧洲语言共同参考框架》 大学英语教育 教育传统 社会语言环境 the CEFR College English education educational tradition sociolinguistic setting
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