目的了解深圳市福田区社区健康服务中心抗生素不合理使用情况。方法在我区80多家社康中心随机抽取12家社康中心2008年10月—2010年3月的全科诊疗处方,每家社康中心随机抽取500张,根据临床药理学知识、文献资料等,对不合理处方进行统计分析。结果共审核处方6 000张,其中抗生素处方3 084张,不合理使用抗生素处方1 914张,以无适应症用药、轻度感染病人使用二联抗生素等不合理表现突出。结论社康中心抗生素不合理使用现象普遍存在,社区医生应定期接受合理用药知识的培训,并加强对社区居民有关合理使用抗生素知识的健康教育。
OBJECTIVE To survey the usage of antibiotics in the community heatlth centers.METHODS Pick out the data of irrational usage antibiotics randomly in the community health centers from Oct.2008 to Mar.2009 and analyzed statistically.RESULTS Of total 6 000 cases exa-mined,3 084 cases used antibiotics,1 914 cases involved irrational usage of antibiotics.Drug selecting and project of drug using have manifested outstanding.CONCLUSION The irrational antibiotics use was ubiquity,the GP should take part in regularly training of rational usage Antibio-tics and strengthen health education of rational usage Antibio-tics to community inhabitants.
Chinese Primary Health Care