
2003-2009年抗菌药物使用调查及管理 被引量:8

A cohort study on use of antibiotics from 2003 to 2009
摘要 目的对连续4次横断面调查所获取的在院患者的抗菌药物使用率、使用目的构成比、联用率、DDD频数以及病原学送检率进行分析,评价抗菌药物使用状况和管理效果。方法对2003、2005、2008、2009年连续4次横断面调查所获取的调查数据,主要是抗菌药物使用率、使用目的构成比、联用率、DDD频数以及病原学送检率等数据,采取SPSS统计软件进行分析。结果抗菌药物使用率从2003年的60.49%下降至2009年的49.93%,呈逐年下降趋势,差异有统计学意义,尤以内科和妇科下降明显,分别从2003年的48.47%、63.41%下降至2009年的34.06%、40.00%;但儿科、外科、五官科、产科的抗菌药物使用率较高,下降不明显;一联用药率、≥三联用药率变化不明显,而二联用药率逐年下降,从2003年的41.84%下降至2009年38.03%;差异有统计学意义;产科预防性使用率和儿科治疗性使用率最高;病原学送检率逐年上升,差异有统计学意义;2005年和2009年抗菌药物DDD频数最高的均为第三代头孢菌素,但2009年第二代头孢菌素明显下降,第一代和第四代头孢菌素明显上升,差异有统计学意义;2009年青霉素类和喹诺酮类的构成比均明显下降,而大环内酯类、氨基苷类和硝基咪唑类的构成比明显上升,差异有统计学意义。结论抗菌药物管理成效明显,今后应从规范围手术期预防性抗菌药物使用入手,缩短疗程,减少第三代头孢菌素的消耗量。 OBJECTIVE To evaluate the antibacterials usage and the management effect via 4 continuous cross-sectional study on use rate of antimicrobial,constituent ratio of antimicrobial,rate of combined use,number of Defined Daily Dose and rate of etiological examination within all the inpatients.METHODS The data of continuous cross-sectional investigation were collected,mainly including use rate of antimicrobial,constituent ratio of antimicrobial,rate of combined use,number of Defined Daily Dose and rate of etiological examination within all the inpatients in 2003,2005,2008 and 2009,and were analyzed by SPSS statistical software.RESULTS The antimicrobial use rates decreased from 60.49% in 2003 to 49.93% in 2009 and had statistically significant difference,especially in medical department and department of gynecology,decreasing from 48.47%,63.41% in 2003 to 34.06%,40.00% in 2009.However,the antimicrobial use rates were higher in department of paediatrics,Surgery,ophthalmology otorhinolaryngology and obstetrics.Of all departments,the use rates of single drug,triple drugs and more had no significant difference,and double drugs being decreased significantly,decreasing from 41.84% in 2003 to 38.03% in 2009.The department of obstetrics had the highest prophylactic use rate and the department of paediatrics had the highest remedial use rate of antibacterials.Rate of etiological examination for therapeutic medication in the whole hospital increased significantly year by year.The number of Defined Daily Dose of third generation cephalosporin was the highest in 2005 and 2009,but second generation cephalosporin being decreased significantly,and first generation cephalosporin and forth generation cephalosporin being increased significantly in 2009.The constituent ratio of penicillins and quinolones had significant decrease,and macrolides,aminoglycosides and nitroimidazole being significant increase in 2009.CONCLUSION The management effects of antibacterials agents is significant.So,it would be very important to standard the prophylac
出处 《中华医院感染学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期2578-2580,共3页 Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology
关键词 抗菌药物 合理用药 管理 Antibiotics Rational use Management
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