目的 评价心肺复苏技能规范化操作培训的教学效果.方法 采用仿真模拟人进行教学,60名临床医学专业(医学救援方向)应届毕业学生为学生组,28名急诊科低年资医师为医生组,30名临床不同科室护士长为护士长组,实施气管插管-除颤-徒手心肺复苏操作训练.培训前后均进行理论知识水平和实际操作能力考核,并进行比较.结果 培训后3组受训人员操作的正确性和熟练程度与培训前比较显著提高,理论知识水平也较培训前有明显提高,心肺复苏技能考核总评成绩3组之间差异无统计学意义.结论 采用仿真模拟人进行气管插管-除颤-徒手心肺复苏技能训练能够显著提高受训者的急救技术操作能力.
Objective To assess the effect of cardiopulmonary resuscitation technique training for people from different branches. Methods Manikins were used in training, 60 graduates majored in rescuing medicine were divided as student group ,28 junior doctors of emergency department as doctor group and 30 nursing managers from different wards as nursing managers group. They were trained by manikins for the skills of endotracheal intubation, defibrllation,chest compression and ventilation. Theoretical level and operation ability were examined after training and compared with those before training. Results Their firstaid techniques were better and more skillful after training, their theoretical level were also improved. There was no statistical difference in the total score of examinations of cardiopulmorary resuscitation among the groups. Conclusions The first-aid capability of people who received the training of endotracheal intubation, defibrillation, chest compression and ventilation using manikins can be improved significantly.
Chinese Journal of Medical Education
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
First-aid technique
Training effective