本调查旨在了解2010年云南省昭通市1株脊髓灰质炎Ⅱ型疫苗衍生毒株(Vaccine-derived poliovirus,VDPV)引起的病例的流行病学特征、该病例的排毒情况及其周围健康儿童的肠道病毒(EV)携带情况和病毒型别特征。在该病例的发生地进行现场流行病学调查,连续采集病例粪便标本,采集密切接触者及病例居住地健康儿童粪便标本进行病毒分离和型别鉴定。经省级专家组最终分类诊断为VDPV病例;实验室结果显示病例标本中未再检出VDPV;密切接触者及周围健康儿童标本中均未检测到脊灰疫苗株病毒及VDPV,AFP病例入户主动搜索未发现类似病例,表明该病毒未在当地造成循环;在健康儿童中检测到NPEV 21株,病毒携带率为20.0%;经VP1区核苷酸序列测定,21株NPEV分别属于HEV-A组(11株,3个血清型,占52.4%)和HEV-B组(10株,4个血清型,47.6%)。
To find out epidemiological feature of paralytic cases caused by type 2 vaccine-derived poliovirus(VDPV) and the excretion status of the case and to explore the enterovirus infection status among healthy children under five years old around the case in Zhaotong city,Yunnan Province in 2010.Field epidemiological studies at the epidemic area were conducted and a total of 108 stool samples were collected,three from the case,seven from the close contacts and 98 from the healthy children.VDPV was not isolated again from the case;Sabin-like PV strains or VDPV were not isolated from the close contacts and the healthy children;An active search for acute flaccid paralysis cases was conducted in the area,which indicated that the VDPV did not cause virus circulation in local area.Twenty one(20.0 %) NPEVs were isolated from 105 stool samples.Among the 21 NPEV isolates,11 isolates(52.4%) were HEV-A(3 serotypes),10 isolates(47.6%)were HEV-B(4 serotypes).
Chinese Journal of Virology