断乳2 周雄性 Wistar大鼠54 只,饲氟浓度32、82、232、153、403 m g/kg。实验3 个月。氟引起了体重、血液学、骨骼元素、肝铝、骨铝、血清钙等诸方面的剂量- 效应的反应。约在8~23 m g/kg 饲氟浓度范围内出现许多检测指标的“翻板”现象,呈现与正常对照为基准的相反的含量变化的显著差异。饲氟> 232 m g/kg 4 个组的肝铝成倍增高。肝铝和骨铝与骨氟显著正相关。肝铝与血液学,血清钙,骨钙、铁、磷明显相关,此与铝中毒和铝氟病病人及其鸡模型的研究结果相吻合。认为> 23 m g/kg 浓度的高氟促进了铝的吸收和蓄积,并主要由铝引起相关的生物效应。
Wistar rats as old as 2 weeks after weaning were divided into 6 groups who received food with fluoride (F) at concentrations of 3.2,8.2,23.2,53.2,153,and 403 mg/kg respectively.In 3 months of experiment,dose-effect reactions were observed in rats presented as changes of body weight,hematological in dices,and contents of bone elements,liver aluminum(Al),bone Al,and sexum calcium (Ca).Within the feeding Frange of 5-20 mg/kg,a 'reverse'phenomenon was found in many test indices,that is,changes of these contents were opposite and were significant comparing with those of control.In the 4 groups whose F Feeding doses were higher than 23.2 mg/kg,the liver al content multiplied and corralated positively with bone F.Within the concentration range of feeding F of 8.2~23.2 mg/kg,the liver content showed'reverse'and correlated with hematological indices,serum Ca,bone Ca,and bone phosphorus,which was coincident with the phenomenon observed in patients of Al toxicosis and Al-F co-tocxicoosis and roster model of these diseases,It is thought that high F increases the absorption of Al,and that all those related biological reactions are mainly caused by Al.
Studies of Trace Elements and Health