
专业化与去专业化:美国教师教育改革悖论——中美教师教育比较研究之一 被引量:17

Professionalization and De-professionalization:The Dilemma in the Reform of Teacher Education in the USA
摘要 美国教师教育大学化实现了美国教师教育从独立封闭走向多元开放,也促成了美国教师专业化,但近年来因教师培养数量和质量等问题面临政府及公众的质疑。去专业化色彩浓厚的选择性教师培养模式逐渐兴起,最终导致美国教师教育面临专业化和去专业化的悖论。透过对美国教师教育大学化进程的历史分析,其产生悖论的实质原因在于未能厘清教师教育的基本属性,这也是我国未来教师教育改革和发展必须加以深入研究的问题。 The American teacher professionalization was realized by the entrance o teacher education into universities, which resulted in a multi-component open system. How ever, it is questioned by both government and mass media for its quantity and quality. The rise of the alternative teacher preparation focusing on de-professionalization has led to the di. lemma between professionalization and de-professionalization. By the historical analysis of its universitization, it is found that the underlying reason of the dilemma attributes to the basic characteristics of teacher education, which is also supposed to be taken into account in China's future teacher education reform.
作者 钟秉林 宋萑
出处 《高等教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期56-61,共6页 Journal of Higher Education
关键词 教师教育 专业化 去专业化 teacher education professionalization de-professionalization
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