
冲突对企业新员工工作满意度和留职意愿的影响 被引量:1

Research on Influence of Conflict on Job Satisfaction and Intention to Stay of Newcomers in Enterprise
摘要 利用对27家企业新员工进行问卷调查所得的数据,考察了任务冲突和关系冲突对新员工的留职意愿和工作满意度的影响,并对任务冲突和关系冲突对新员工造成影响的不同原因进行了分析和讨论。研究发现:任务冲突与新员工的工作满意度、留职意愿正相关;关系冲突越激烈,新员工的工作满意度越低,留职意愿也越低。 Using the data from the questionnaire for 27 firms,this paper studies the influence of task conflict and relationship conflict on job satisfaction and intend to stay of newcomers in firms,and analyzes and discusses the reasons causing these influences.The result shows that there are positive correlations between task conflict and job satisfaction as well as the intend to stay of newcomer,and the more intense relationship conflict,the lower job satisfaction of newcomer,and the lower the intend to stay of newcomer.
作者 李锡元 陈思
出处 《技术经济》 2011年第5期124-129,共6页 Journal of Technology Economics
关键词 冲突 工作满意度 留职意愿 人力资源管理 task conflict job satisfaction intent to stay human resource management
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