目的 研制我国护士工作应激常模.方法 采用分层随机整群抽样方法,选取我国东部、中部和西部3个地域共21家医院的3091名护士,对其进行工作应激的测试.结果 ①制定了护士工作应激源量表粗分全量表及各因素的总体常模.②分别制定了不同地理区域、不同工作年限、不同婚姻状态、不同职称、不同年龄段、不同学历、不同工作性质护士工作应激源原始粗分常模.结论 制定的常模具有较好的代表性,基本能反映我国护士的工作应激现状.
Objective To establish the norm of occupational stress on the nurse in China. Methods Used stratified random cluster sampling,a total of 3091 nurses in 21 from China' s eastern,central and western parts of three regional hospitals, hospital were tested by Chinese nurse stressor scale (CNNS). Results ①The total norms for the CNNS and each factor are established. ②Descriptive statistics for CNSS for different regions samples, different working year' s samples,different marital status samples,different titles samples,different age's samples, different education background samples and different work nature samples were modulated. Conclusion The norm established can basically represent the occupational stress on nurses in China.
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science