目的了解16~22岁青年人群对错畸形、牙齿美观和健康的感知,以及该人群与正畸医生对错畸形、牙齿美观和健康的感知差异及其相关影响因素。方法选择在南京陆军指挥学院门诊部口腔科就诊的16~22岁青年为研究对象,采用一般人口调查问卷、正畸治疗需要指数[由美观因素(AC)与牙齿健康因素(DHC)组成]以及牙齿健康因素自评调查问卷进行调查。被测者根据自己的主观感知对自身错畸形和牙齿美观进行AC等级和DHC等级的评分,正畸医生根据对模型的客观测量进行AC等级和DHC等级的评分。结果 204名调查对象中,主观感知AC级别为不需要治疗者145名(71.08%),客观测量AC级别为不需要治疗者39名(19.12%);主观感知DHC等级为不需要治疗者144名(70.59%),客观测量DHC等级为不需要治疗者20名(9.80%)。正畸医生的客观测量等级高于被测者的主观感知等级;青年主观感知和正畸医生客观测量的等级相关关系不密切;男性青年的主观感知AC等级低于女性青年,城市青年的主观感知DHC等级高于农村青年,独生子女青年的主观感知DHC和AC等级均高于非独生子女青年。结论 16~22岁青年与正畸医生对青年自身错畸形的美观和健康因素的感知具有明显差异,青年倾向于认为自己的牙齿美观并且健康。女青年比男青年更加倾向于认为自己牙齿不够美观,城市青年比农村青年更加不满意自己牙齿的健康情况,独生子女比非独生子女更加不满意自己牙齿的美观和健康情况。
Objective To investigate 16 to 22-year-old young adults'perception of malocclusion,dental health and aesthetic firstly.To investigate the perception differences between young adults and orthodontists,and factors on perception difference.Methods A sample of 16 to 22-year-old young adults was selected randomly in Department of Stomatology,Hospital of Nanjing Army Command College.A questionnaire,which consisted of socioeconomic status,index of orthodontic treatment need and dental health component(DHC) questionnaire,was proposed to them. Index of orthodontic treatment need comprised aesthetic component(AC) and DHC.An orthodontist measured orthodontic dental models of participants.Participants chose AC degree and DHC degree by their subjective perception.An orthodontist chose AC degree and DHC degree by their objective measurement.Results 71.08% and 70.59% of 204 participants respectively chose 'no need treatment' of AC degree and DHC degree by their subjective perception. 19.12% and 9.80% of participants were respectively chosen 'no need treatment' of AC degree and DHC degree by orthodontist's objective measurement.Objective measurement degree of orthodontist was higher than subjective perception degree of participants.Subjective perception of participants was little related to objective measurement of or-thodontists.AC degree of male participants'subjective perception was lower than the female.DHC degree of urban participants' subjective perception was higher than the rural.DHC and AC degree of only child participants'subjective perception was higher than non-only child.Conclusion Perception about malocclusion,dental health and aesthetic had significant difference between 16 to 22year-old young adults and orthodontists.Young adults tended to think that their teeth were more beautiful and healthy.The female young adults than the male tended to think that their teeth were not enough beautiful.Urban young adults were more unsatisfactory about their dental health than the rural.Only child youn
West China Journal of Stomatology
index of orthodontic treatment need
aesthetic component
health component