介绍了由一个并联电压源换流器(shunt-VSC)和两个串联电压源换流器(series-VSC)组成的多换流器式统一电能质量调节器(Multiconverter-Unified Power Quality Conditioner),用于连接两条具有不同负载特性的配电线路,三个换流器共用一组电容,采用背靠背方式,实现动态电压恢复、有源滤波、故障限流等功能,提高供电质量和可靠性。采用series-VSC串接限流电感的方法限制故障电流,不消耗有功功率。对功率在不同换流器之间的流动情况进行分析和说明。仿真结果表明,MC-UPQC可有效治理电压、电流谐波污染,同时降低网络故障电流水平,易于不同网络互连。
This paper presents Multiconverter-Unified Power Quality Conditioner (MC-UPQC) composed of one shunt voltage source converter (shunt-VSC) and two series voltage source converters(series-VSC), which is connected to two distribution lines with different loads and all converters share a common DC-link capacitor. Using back-to-back mode, the proposed apparatus can realize the function of dynamic voltage restoration, active power filter and fanlt current limitation in order to enhance power quality and power reliability. Fault current limitation is realized by series-VSC with a series current limiting inductor inserted in the line without consuming active power. The paper analyses how the power flows between different VSCs and illustrates the process. Some simulation studies are conducted to verify that MC-UPQC can control the voltage and current harmonic pollution, in the mean time, decrease the fault current level, which will be suitable for different networks to be connected.
Power System Protection and Control