自2008年开始,日本诞生了第一批教师研究生院(日文为"教职大学院"),这一新型的教师教育机构以培养教师的高水准专业实践力为宗旨,以教育理论与教育实践的紧密结合为原则来编制课程,开展教学。市川博教授主持创立的帝京大学教师研究生院经过日本文部科学省的严格审查于2008年获得认定。在市川博(Hiroshi Ichikawa)教授来我校访问之际,笔者约请市川教授就日本设立教师研究生院的背景以及教师研究生院的理念、课程和教学上的特点作答。市川教授早年毕业于东京教育大学,曾任教于东京教育大学、横滨国立大学等,从事社会科教育以及教学论和教师教育的研究。2003年从国立大学退休后,受聘于私立的帝京大学。他担任过日本教育学会秘书长、日本社会科教育学会会长、日本学科教育学会副会长等。他所主编的《社会科的使命与魅力——日本社会科教育文选》于2006年在中国翻译出版。
Since 2008,graduate schools of teacher education have emerged,which represent a new type of teacher education institution with mission to cultivate high level professional practical abilities of teachers.The developing of curriculum and instruction in these schools is based on the principle of combining education rationales and practices.Presided over by Professor Hiroshi Ichikawa,Teikyo University Graduate School of Teacher Education was recognized in 2008 after strict scrutiny by Ministry of Education,Cultures,Sports,Science and Technology of Japan.During his visit to East China Normal University,Professor Ichikawa was interviewed by the author on the background,philosophy of graduate schools of teacher Education along with its features in curriculum and instruction.Graduating from Tokyo University of Education,Professor Ichikawa had taught in Yokohama National University and his ala mater.And his research fields include social studies education and teacher education.After retiring from Yokohama National University in 2003,he was employed by Teikyo University.Professor Ichikawa had held posts of Secretary-General of Japanese Educational Research Association,President of Japanese Association for the Social Studies,and vice president of Japan Curriculum Research and Development Association,etc.In 2006,The Mission and Attraction of Social Studies An Anthology of Japanese Social Studies edited by Professor Ichikawa was translated and published in China.
Global Education
teacher education
professional practice abilities
graduate school of teacher education