

NoC design for future mobile communication terminals
摘要 随着通信技术和集成电路技术的飞速发展,功能越来越强的移动通信终端产品层出不穷。未来移动通信终端不仅要支持更高的数据传输速率,而且要融合更多的功能,同时还要支持多协议以实现无缝接入。这些特征要求使得未来移动通信终端片上系统需要集成更多的IP核,同时对IP核之间的通信协作效率要求更高。当前片上系统广泛使用的总线结构已经无法满足未来移动通信终端的上述要求,取而代之的将是片上网络结构。片上网络具有较好的可扩展性、灵活性、以及可重用性,并且可以在IP核数目增加时保持良好的性能。本文重点介绍了面向未来移动通信终端片上网络设计的几个关键技术,包括设计目标和约束条件、拓扑结构、布局、仿真等。根据这些关键技术,本文总结了面向未来移动通信终端的片上网络设计流程,详细阐述了各关键技术之间的相互关系,最后用一个例子来对该设计流程进行具体说明。 With the rapid development of the technology of communication and integrated circuits,more powerful mobile communication terminals come into being.Future mobile communication terminals should support not only higher data transfer rate but also more applications.In addition,they should also support different network protocols to achieve seamless access.To satisfy all these characteristics,the number of cores on a single chip will increase and the communication between the cores will be critical for the system.Consequently,the current bus architecture of SoC cannot satisfy these requirements and will be replaced by Network-on-Chip(NoC).NoC architecture has better scalability,flexibility,reusability and can perform well with the increasing number of cores.In this paper,we will focus on some key problems in designing NoC,including design constrains,design objectives,topology,floorplan,simulation and so on.Based on the analysis of these key problems,we give an application-specific NoC design flow.Finally,the design flow is specified with an example.
出处 《中国集成电路》 2011年第3期45-51,共7页 China lntegrated Circuit
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.60803038和No.61070046) ZTE产学研论坛基金资助
关键词 片上网络 移动通信终端 设计流程 面向应用 NoC mobile communication terminal design flow application-specific
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