
哲学阐释学视域下的文学自译运作机制研究 被引量:16

Probing into Operating Mechanism of Literary Self-Translation:A Perspective of Philosophical Hermeneutics
摘要 自译是一种特殊的翻译形态,是指翻译自己作品的行为或者是这样一种行为的结果,通常是指文学作品的自译。本文立足哲学阐释学视角,从自译行为的心理机制、自译过程的主体间性和自译结果的文本间性对文学自译的运作机制作了探究。文章指出,自译行为的心理机制是译者多维"自我"心理演化的过程,自译过程的主体间性既融合又张扬,而译本是在原著基础上派生而来,两者之间同源而不同一。 Self-translation or auto-translation, a kind of translation of special significance,refers to the act of translating one's own writings (usually literary writings) or the result of such undertaking. This paper, from the perspective of philosophical hermeneutics, attempts to probe into the operating mechanism of literary self-translation in terms of self-translator' s mental process, intersubjectivity in self-translating and intertextuality after self-translating. The paper holds that the self-translator's mental process implies a series of continuous mental transferring of the self-translator' s multi-dimensional "self", that the intersubjectivity is characterized by both the fusion of horizons among the writer-cure-translator and the reader, and the display of the translator-cure-writer' s subjectivity, and that the source text and the target text are of one origin but are different and independent from each other because the target text is derived from the source text.
作者 黎昌抱
出处 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期92-95,共4页 Foreign Language Education
基金 教育部人文社科规划项目"文学自译:理论基础 运作机制与标准策略研究"(批准号:09YJA740097)部分成果
关键词 文学自译 运作机制 哲学阐释学 主体间性 文本间性 literary self-translation operating mechanism philosophical hermeneutics intersubjectivity intertextuality
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