对噻环乙胺及XFM麻醉下,大鼠不同脑区β-EP含量的变化进行研究,以探讨噻环乙胺及XFM中枢麻醉作用可能的机理。选择Wista大鼠84只,先随机抽取12只为对照组。其余随机均分为噻环乙胺组和XFM组,每组又随机均分为麻醉组、恢复Ⅰ组和恢复Ⅱ组3个亚组。用ELISA测定各脑区内β-EP的含量。结果,ip噻环乙胺2mL/kg后,麻醉组大脑皮层、海马、丘脑和脑干内β-EP含量显著增加(P<0.05或P<0.01);恢复Ⅰ组和恢复Ⅱ组上述各脑区内β-EP含量显著恢复(P>0.05);麻醉全过程中小脑内β-EP含量无显著变化。ip XFM 2mL/kg后,麻醉组大脑皮层、海马和丘脑内β-EP含量显著增加(P<0.01);恢复Ⅰ组和恢复Ⅱ组上述各脑区内β-EP含量显著恢复(P>0.05);麻醉全过程中小脑和脑干内β-EP含量无显著变化。结果表明,噻环乙胺和XFM对不同脑区β-EP的影响可能是其产生全麻作用的重要机理之一。噻环乙胺麻醉中枢作用可能与增加大脑皮层、海马、丘脑及脑干内β-EP含量有关;而XFM则可能与增加大脑皮层、海马和丘脑内β-EP含量有关。
To explain the possible mechanisms of tiletamine and its compound preparationon(XFM) anesthesia on the central nervous system by investigating the changes of fi-EP contents in different encephalic regions in rats.12 Wista rats were allocated randomly from 84 Wista rats as control group.The rest rats were divided randomly into tiletamine and XFM groups,and each group of animals were divided randomly into maintenance of anesthesia group,recovery from anesthesiaⅠgroup and recovery from anesthesiaⅡgroup.The β-EP contents were measured by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays(ELISA).After injected intraperitoneally with tiletamine 2ml/kg,the β-EP contents in the cerebral cortex、the hippocampus、the thalamus and the brain stem in the anesthesia group were obviously raised as compared with control group(P0.05 or P0.01);The β-EP contents in the above encephalic regions in the recovery from anesthesiaⅠgroup and anesthesiaⅡgroup were obviously revived as compared with control group(P0.05);The β-EP contents in the cerebellum were not obviously changed in the process of general anesthesia of tiletamine. After injected intraperitoneally with XFM 2ml/kg,the p-EP contents in the cerebral cortex,the hippocampus and the thalamus in the anesthesia group were obviously raised as compared with control group(P0.05 or P0.01);The β-EP contents in the above encephalic regions in the recovery from anesthesiaⅠgroup and anesthesiaⅡgroup were obviously revived as compared with control group(P0.05);The β-EP contents in the cerebellum and the brain stem were not obviously changed in the process of general anesthesia of XFM.CONCLUSION:Tiletamine and XFM anesthesia have an effect on β-EP in different encephalic regions.Tiletamine can raised the β-EP in the cerebral cortex,hippocampus,thalamus,the brain stem;And XFM can raised β-EP in the cerebral cortex、hippocampus and thalamus.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science