目的: 研究潜在性开牙合患者的颅颌结构特征。方法: 通过对13 例潜在性开牙合患者的治疗前 X线头颅侧位定位片的回顾性研究,与正常牙合者比较,找出其结构特征。结果:发现其中代表骨性结构特征的 P P M P角、 S N M P角增大显著, U F H/ L F H 值显著减小,而代表牙牙合 结构特点的 O P M P角减小,⊥⊥角增大,说明潜在性开牙合患者存在可在治疗前发现的骨性开牙合倾向,同时又存在着牙牙合代偿因素。结论:应尽量在潜在性开牙合患者的治疗前发现其骨性开牙合倾向,这将有助于制定正确的治疗计划,从而减少治疗过程中出现开牙合的可能性。
bjective:To study the cephalometric characteristics of the patients with open bite tendency.Method:Lateral cephalometric radiographs of 13 patients with open bite tendency were taken before treatment and were compared with those of the cases with normal occlusion.Results:Increased PP MP angle,SN MP angle and decreased UFH/LFH ratio for skeletal measurements,and decreased OP MP angle and increased ⊥ ⊥angle for dentoalveolar measurements were found in the patients with open bite tendency.Conclusion:As for the open bite tendency,the skeletal open bite tendency should be found before trentment and the coordinate treatment plan should be maken in order to avoid the possibilily of open bite during treatment.
Journal of Practical Stomatology