
安氏Ⅱ~1类错软硬组织面型相关性的研究 被引量:46

Correlative study between hard tissue and soft tissue facial type in Angle class Ⅱ~1 maloulusion
摘要 目的 本研究旨在探讨安氏Ⅱ1 类错软硬组织面型之间的相互关系及软组织覆盖特点。为临床诊断和治疗设计提供指导。方法 选取 11~ 16岁之间的安氏Ⅱ1 类错儿童 12 1名 ,男 5 9名 ,平均年龄12 .6 6岁 ,女 6 1名 ,平均年龄 12 .73岁 ,选择能反映软硬组织面型特征的指标 31项 ,搭配成 17对 ,一一对应 ,根据治疗前头颅侧位片进行测量、研究 ,所得数据做相关分析和配对t检验。结果 安氏Ⅱ1 类错软组织覆盖厚度的一般规律与正常基本一致 ,这种覆盖特点有加重Ⅱ类面型的趋势。安氏Ⅱ1 类错中骨面型构成了软组织面型的基础和支架 ,但软组织面型有它的独立性 ,软组织覆盖的个体变异较大 ,软硬组织面型的不一致较为普遍 ,因此安氏Ⅱ1 类错的诊断分析和治疗设计中 。 Objective [WT5”BZ][WT5”BZ]This study was designed to observe features of the softt issue camflage in Angle’s Ⅱ 1 patients and evaluated the relationship between hard tissue and soft tissue facial types, provided a help in clinical diagnosis and treatment planning.[WT5”HZ]Methods [WT5”BZ] The sample consisted of 121 children with Angle’s Ⅱ 1 malocclusion, 61 females with average age of 12.73 years, 59 males with the average age of 12.66 years. From pretreatment cephalograms, 31 typical measurements of hard tissue and soft tissue were selected and paired into 17 groups. The mean and standard deviation of each measurement was calculated, the correlation analysis and paired T test were evaluated in raired measurement.[WT5”HZ]Results [WT5”BZ] In Angle’s Ⅱ 1 malocclusions, the variations in the thickness of soft tissue camflage was similar to that of popalation with normal occlusion, which tend to worsen class Ⅱ skeletal type. Skeletal type was the basis of soft tissue facial type, but the later was more independent. The variance of thickness in soft tissue camflage was wide, that made the difference between skeletal type and soft tissue facial type. It was important to analysis soft tissue facial type in the diagnosis and treatment planning in Angle’s Ⅱ 1 malocclusion. [WT5”HZ]
出处 《口腔正畸学》 2000年第2期62-65,共4页 Chinese Journal of Orthodontics
关键词 骨面型 安氏Ⅱ^1类错He 软组织 软硬组织 治疗前 平均年龄 相关性 头颅侧位片 正常He 临床诊断 Angle class Ⅱ division 1 occlusion skeletal facial type soft tissue facial type relationship
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