At the stage of savagery, the emergence of matriarchy system was something natural. At that time, with group marriage and coupled marriage in operation, marriage and family ethic concepts hadn't been stamped with the brand of private economic interests. During the stage of barbarism, the development of productive forces and the change of mode of production led to a family revolution, the consequence of which was a transition from matriarchy to patriarchy system. It also gave a strong push to the transition from ordinary coupled marriage system to the special coupled system-the monogamy system. During the stage of civilization, the petty-farmer production mode determined that the basic feature of the society was the patriarchy system. When the industrial age came, the revolution of production mode brought about the twilight of emancipation of women. However, the pre-condi- tion of real equality of men and women and the realization of real sexual love lies in the abolishment of the private ownership of property, which will only be available in the future communist society.
Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)
men and women's social status
marriage and family system
concept of ethics
economic causes