
基于灰色聚类的社会评价模型及省辖市的实证 被引量:18

The Society Evaluation Model Based on Grey Clustering and Its Empirical Study of Cities under Province
摘要 根据"坚持以人为本,全面、协调、可持续发展"的科学发展观的内涵,根据人民生活质量,教育卫生等五个准则层构建了社会综合评价指标体系。利用三角白化权函数理论,建立了基于灰色聚类的社会综合评价模型,并采用辽宁省14个地区的截面数据进行了实证研究。本文的创新与特色一是通过将可观测的国民幸福指数纳入评价体系,反映了人们对自身生存和发展状况的感受和体验,改变了现有评价没有考虑人民幸福程度的缺点。二是通过人均可支配收入和最低生活保障线等可获得数据指标计算准基尼系数,间接反映了社会发展过程中的收入分配差距现象,解决了现阶段因辽宁省未统计基尼系数指标而无法对社会发展进行科学评价的问题。三是通过在灰色聚类评价模型中通过熵权法确定指标权重使权重结果客观并唯一,避免了主观赋权方法得出的因人而异的现象。四是运用灰色聚类模型对辽宁省各地区社会发展进行聚类评价,有效地揭示了辽宁省各地区社会发展的不平衡性特征。 The paper is intended to build a society evaluation index system in line with the essence of the Scientific Outlook on Development,which is human-orientation,comprehensive,coordinated and sustainable development.Based on the theory of triangle written function and grey clustering,it sets up the comprehensive evaluation model of Chinese society development,and uses this model to analyze the development of 14 regions in Liaoning province.The contribution characteristics lie in four aspects.Firstly,by taking Gross National Happiness into evaluation system,it changes the existing research that didn't consider the harmonious relationship between society development and people's happiness.Secondly,it counts Gini index with indirect correlation index,which solves the problem that Liaoning's society evaluation does not reflect the scientific concept of development issues due to lacking of Gini index data.Thirdly,it applies entropy to weight for each indicator,which could make results objective and sole.Fourthly,using grey clustering model to evaluate the development of Liaoning province can effectively show the unbalancedness of the society development in Liaoning Province.
出处 《中国管理科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期185-192,共8页 Chinese Journal of Management Science
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(06&ZD039) 2009年大连市第二批科技计划项目(2009D11ZC102) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(DUT10ZD107 DUT10RW107) 大连市社会科学院资助项目
关键词 科学发展观 社会综合评价 评价模型 国民幸福指数 准基尼系数 灰色聚类 Scientific Outlook on Development indicators system of society Gross National Happiness Gini index Grey clustering
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