目的调查临床实习护生的焦虑状况与应对方式,分析临床实习护生的焦虑与应对方式的相关性,为制定有针对性的干预措施提供理论依据。方法采用整群抽样的方法抽取2008年7月-2010年5月在湖南省某三甲医院的216名临床实习护生,使用自制的调查表收集临床实习护生的一般资料,使用Zung的焦虑自评量表评定临床实习护生的焦虑状况,肖计划编制的应付方式问卷调查临床实习护生的应付方式。采用SPSS16.0统计软件对资料进行描述性分析和Pearson相关分析。结果 216名临床实习护生的焦虑发生率为25%,其中轻度焦虑占19.44%,中度焦虑占5.56%。临床实习护生与常模的比较在解决问题(P<0.01)、求助(P<0.01)、幻想(P<0.01)、退避(P<0.01)、合理化(P<0.01)四个方面差异有统计学意义,在自责方面(P>0.05),临床实习护生与常模的比较差异无统计学意义。Pearson相关分析表明:临床实习护生焦虑与应对方式的解决问题(P<0.01)、求助(P<0.01)呈负相关,与自责(P<0.01)、幻想(P<0.01)、退避(P<0.05)及合理化(P<0.01)呈正相关,Pearson相关分析差异有统计学意义。结论管理者应重视临床实习护生的焦虑状况,及时进行心理疏导,引导临床实习护生采用积极的应对方式解决问题,从而降低临床实习护生的焦虑水平,增进其心理健康。
Objective To investigate the anxiety state and copying style of clinical probationer nurses,to analyze the relativity between them,and to provide a theoretical basis for making distinctive prevention measures. Methods With the cluster sampling method,216 clinical probationer nurses were selected in a Grade A Class Three hospital of Hunan from July,2008 to May,2010.General data of clinical probationer nurses were collected by the self-made questionnaire,and the anxiety state was measured by the Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale(SAS).The copying style was investigated by the Coping Style Questionnaire compiled by XIAO Ji-hua.Descriptive analysis and Pearson correlation analysis were conducted using SPSS 16.0 software. Results The incidence rate of anxiety in clinical probationer nurses was 25%,in which the light degree and the middle degree were 19.44%,and 5.56%,respectively.There were statistically significant differences in solving problems(P〈0.01),recourse(P〈0.01),illusion(P〈0.01),retreat factors(P〈0.01) and rationalization(P〈0.01) between clinical probationer nurses and the norms.No statistically significant difference was found in self-accusation between clinical probationer nurses and the norms(P〉0.05).Pearson correlation analysis showed that anxiety of clinical probationer nurses was negatively correlated with solving problems(P〈0.01) and recourse(P〈0.01),but positively correlated with self-accusation(P〈0.01),illusion(P〈0.01),retreat factors(P〈0.05) and rationalization(P〈0.01).And the difference was statistically significant. Conclusions Managers should pay attention to the anxiety state of clinical probationer nurses,give them psychological guidance in time,and lead them to solve questions by using active coping styles,and therefore,could decrease the anxiety level of clinical probationer nurses and improve their mental health.
Practical Preventive Medicine