Objective:To develop the best extracting condition of poppy′s alkaloid in soup stock by GC/MS.Methods: To qualitative analyze codeine,morphine,thebaine,paparerine,noscapine in soup stock by extracting selected ions and chromatograph′s RT of poppy′s shell through adding poppy′s shell to the hot pot soup as positive sample,and simulating each kind of soup′s composition of Adding poppy′s shell,making the extracted liquid separately with three kind of combination′s organic solvents.Results: The poppy shell alkaloid response value was the highest in the non-oil thin soup of adding the same quantity of poppy shell.Conclusion: The poppy alkaloid detection rate is highest through selecting that suspected poppy shell′s non-oil thin soup as sample and chloroform + ethyl alcohol(9+1) as extracting solvent.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology