

Match of the Design and Measurement Methods for Piezoelectric Micro Microphones
摘要 针对压电式微传声器的两种测量方法,研究了提高微传声器灵敏度的方法。对于电荷测量法,前置放大电路应采用并联负反馈的方式;对于电压测量法,前置放大电路应采用串联负反馈的方式;并且选用高输入阻抗的放大器作为前置放大器。根据理论推导不同材料在不同测量方法下的灵敏度,发现在电荷测量法下用PZT制备的微传声器与在电压测量法下用ZnO制备的微传声器的灵敏度都比较高。用ANSYS软件对四边固支ZnO压电式微传声器进行静力分析,发现薄膜上最大电压为7.89mV,最小电压为-5.55mV。根据薄膜上的应力分布,针对两种测量方法,优化设计了两种不同的新型微传声器结构。 Based on the two measurement methods of piezoelectric micro microphones, the method to improve the sensitivity of micro microphones was researched. For the charge measurement, the preamplifier should be used in a parallel negative feedback manner. For the voltage measurement, the preamplifier should be used in a series negative feedback manner, and a high input impedance amplifier should be used as the preamplifier. According to the theory, the sensitivities of different materials in different measurements were derived. The results show that the micro microphones made by PZT with the charge measurement and by ZnO with the voltage measurement all have a high sensitivity. The static analysis of the clamped ZnO piezoelectric micro microphone was carried out by ANSYS software. The results show that the maxim voltage of the membrane is 7. 89 mV and the minimum voltage is - 5.55 inV. According to the stress distribution of the film and the two measurement methods, two different new structures of the micro microphone were optimally designed.
出处 《微纳电子技术》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第9期560-563,586,共5页 Micronanoelectronic Technology
关键词 匹配 前置放大 压电系数矩阵 电压强度分布 压电耦合分析 matching preamplifier piezoelectric coefficient matrix voltage intensity distribution piezoelectric coupling analysis
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