
食物加工过程中淀粉粒损伤的实验研究及在考古学中的应用 被引量:11

The Experimental Research on the Starch Granule Damage during Food Processing and Its Application in Archaeology
摘要 鉴定古代淀粉粒样品,不仅要与未经加工的现代样品作比较,还应结合实验。通过对几种谷物淀粉粒进行碾磨和多种加热实验,可揭示出淀粉粒在相关食物准备过程中所发生的形貌变化。由此鉴定西山遗址出土的损伤淀粉粒经过碾磨和加热,而喇家遗址出土面条的原料及加工方式应再作研究。 The grinding and heating experiments to some starchy grains in various methods revealed the morphological alterations of starch granules during relevant food processing procedures. To identify the ancient starch granule samples which might have been involved in the grinding and heating procedures, not only comparative studies should be done with modern unprocessed samples but the relevant simulation experiments should also be applied. Starch granules from different plants might react differently to the same processing procedure, while identical alteration of starch granules might be resuited from different processing procedures. The results of the simulation experiments showed that the damage of the starch granules gathered at Xishan Site was done by grinding and heating, and more researches are waiting to do to identify the material and processing methods of the noodles unearthed from Lajia Site.
出处 《考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第7期77-86,共10页 Archaeology
基金 澳大利亚研究基金会探索基金的资助 0450025~~
关键词 古代食谱分析 淀粉粒分析 西山遗址 喇家遗址 科技考古 Ancient Diet Analyses Starch Grain Analyses Xishan Site Lajia Site Scientific Archaeology
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