利用淀粉粒分析方法,对安徽濉溪石山子遗址(约7000aB.P.,33°51'N、116°49'E)出土的5件石磨盘和5件石磨棒表面附着残留物进行了研究。结果表明,这批石器表面残留物中包含了种类丰富的植物淀粉粒,其可能的植物种属来源至少有8类,包括薏苡(Coix lacryma-jobi)、小麦族(Triticeae)、山药(Dioscorea opposita)、莲藕(Nelumbo nucifera)、莲子(Nelumbo nucifera)、豇豆属(Vigna)、燕麦属(Avena)和姜科(Zingiberaceae)等,此外还有一部分未知种属的疑似禾本科植物的淀粉粒。统计结果显示,来自薏苡、小麦族以及疑似禾本科植物的淀粉粒无论是绝对数量还是在器物表面的出现频次都远高于其他植物种属的淀粉粒,应为这批石器的主要加工对象,此外,来自山药、莲藕等块根块茎类植物的淀粉粒,其数量和出现频次也较高。石山子遗址出土石磨盘、石磨棒表面残留物中淀粉粒组成的多样性表明了这些石质工具加工食物种类的多样性和古人类植物性食物资源组成的多样性,同时,从观察到的淀粉粒植物种属来源来看,石山子遗址先民的生业模式似仍以采集经济为主,其农业经济的发展则相对滞后,这一特点的形成可能与该遗址所处的地理位置及自然环境有较大关系。研究结果为探索新石器时代中期淮河中游地区古人类对植物资源利用以及当时的农业发展状况等问题提供了新的科学依据。
Shishanzi site ( around 7000aB. P.; 33°51 'N, 116°49'E) , located in Suixi County, Anhui Province, China, is one of the representative mid-Neolithic sites situated in the middle range of Huai River. In order to investigate the ancient human diet and the level of economic development of ancient people living at this site, we performed starch grain analysis of the surface residues of five stone plates and five stone rods excavated from the site. The study of the organic residues showed a rich variety of plant starch grains on the surface of these stone tools. More than 1900 starch grains with cross-extinction features have been identified. These ancient starch grains could be divided into at least 8 categories and 10 sub-categories according to their morphological features. The possible sources of these starch grains could be at least eight plant species, including job's tears (Coix lacryma-jobi), the wheat tribe ( Triticeae dumort ) , yam ( Dioscorea opposita ) , lotus root ( Nelumbo nucifera ) , lotus ( Nelumbo nucifera ) , cowpea genus (Vigna) , avena (Avena) , the ginger family (Zingiberaceae). In addition, some of the starch grains might come from unknown species of Gramineae plants. The diversity of starch grains found within the surface residues of the stone tools from Shishanzi site reflects the variety of plant species processed by the stone tools and the multiplicity of ancient human's plant food resources. Statistical analysis of our data indicates the following. Firstly, regardless of the absolute number or the frequency of the occurrence, most of the starch grains found on the tools originate from job's tears, the wheat tribe and unknown species of gramineae plants. Therefore, these three plant species should be considered as the main objects processed by the stone tools. Secondly, the presence of starch grains originating from wheat tribe, yam, lotus root etc.on the stone tools indicates that most of the utilized plant species were collected rather than
Quaternary Sciences
sstarch grain analysis, Shishanzi site, stone plates and rods, the middle reach of Huai River,plant resource utilization