
比萨干酪工艺及其功能特性分子基础 被引量:5

Molecular basis of Pizza cheese technology and its functionality
摘要 阐述了乳中的酪蛋白胶束如何经过生产和成熟逐步形成比萨干酪的微观结构,以及该结构如何影响干酪的功能性如融化性、拉伸性、出油性和起泡性。并应用上述分子理论分析省略热烫拉伸、混合酸化、添加钙等生产实例,说明生产工艺是通过作用于干酪的微观结构而影响其功能特性。本文在力图澄清国内比萨干酪生产中一些疑惑的同时,说明只有从认识干酪的分子基础入手,才可能通过控制工艺条件改善干酪的功能特性或提高生产的经济性。 It is discussed that how casein micelles in milk are gradually transformed into the framework of pizza cheese microstructure through production and ripening,and how this microstructure influences pizza cheese functionalities such as meltability,stretchability,oiling off and blister.This molecular theory is then applied to study several production practices such as non-pasta filata process,mixed acidification process and calcium addition.It is explained that these technology modifications affect functionalities through their influences on cheese microstructure.While trying to clarify some puzzles and misunderstandings in pizza cheese production in China,this paper stressed that only when we start from perspectives on the molecular basis of cheese,can we improve cheese functionalities and/or increase economic returns through technology adjustments.
出处 《中国乳品工业》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第6期30-35,共6页 China Dairy Industry
关键词 比萨干酪 莫扎瑞拉(马苏里拉) 酪蛋白胶束 功能特性 Pizza cheese Mozzarella casein micelle functionality
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