以重大自然灾害如2004年"12.24"印度洋海啸、2008年"5.12"汶川特大地震和2010年海地特大地震等为背景,针对灾区处于环境脆弱的丘陵高山、基础设施贫乏的经济欠发达地区的特点,论述了巨灾应急避难场所选址的原则与模型建构。根据野外实地考察数据与卫星遥感图片等分析资料,通过对重大自然灾害的全面风险分析与评估,建立层次化评价指标体系,应用AHP(AnalyticalH ierarchy Process)方法建立选址原则层次分析模型并进行初步定量分析。成果可以协助决策部门为灾区恢复重建选址和确定巨灾应急避难场所的选址提供科学技术依据,为国家制定重大自然灾害应急避难场所选址的相关规定提供参考。对应用AHP方法其局限性做出客观分析,并探讨了该领域未来的研究方向。
Taken examples of recent global disasters such as Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004,5.12 Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 and Haiti earthquake in 2010,the principles on emergency shelter site selection and its modeling under catastrophe are studied and the application of the model is discussed.Based on the field investigations and remote sensing data analysis,the total risk assessment is carried out and the system of AHP(Analytical Hierarchy Process)is set up for analyzing the effective index factors quantitatively.The model and its analytical results can be used as a referrence of decision making for supporting the government in disaster management and recovery and reconstruction programs.The limitations and future research aspects of AHP are also discussed in this paper.
Marine Geology Letters