
“可测量、可报告、可核实”方法的框架及在中国的适用性分析 被引量:14

Framing Issues for MRV of Mitigation Actions and Its Possibility in China
摘要 《联合国气候变化框架公约》第13次缔约方会议通过的《巴厘行动计划》中,提出了"可测量、可报告、可核实(MRV)"的国家行动的概念,包括在下一个国际协议中。但目前对哪些内容要进行MRV,范围是什么,发达国家和发展中国家都要如何进行MRV还不是很清晰,也存在不少争议。本文提供了作者的研究认识,就MRV的框架进行描述,并结合一些政策制定中的核心问题进行了分析。同时在中国背景下分析了如何进行已有国家行动和政策的MRV,以及未来的方向。 Bali Action Plan was approved in the COP13 of UNFCCC,and measureable,reportable,verifiable(MRV) nationally appropriate mitigation commitments or actions were proposed to be included in the next international agreement in order to reach an agreed outcome and to adopt a decision at its fifteenth session.However,what is the definition and scope of MRV,and what are the responsibilities for developed countries and developing countries in implementing the MRV actions,respectively,are still not clear.This paper presents the framing issues for national mitigation actions based on the ideas from the authors,and analyzes key points in the MRV framework.The paper also discusses how to implement the MRV of China's national policies and mitigation actions.
出处 《气候变化研究进展》 CSCD 2010年第3期216-221,共6页 Climate Change Research
关键词 气候变化 国际协议 中国 谈判 可测量 可报告 可核实 climate change international agreement China negotiation measureable reportable verifiable
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