
碳监测的概念演变及其法律价值 被引量:4

摘要 拥有一套坚实、可信和透明的监测系统来跟踪各国的温室气体排放情况和减排行动,既是国际体系有效应对全球变暖的关键基石,也是一国进行碳减排政策创新、碳减排政策绩效评价和开展国际气候谈判与合作的制度基础。碳监测制度奠基于气候谈判中的"三可"原则,现阶段呈现区域化、内国化的发展趋势。加强我国应对气候变化能力建设,需要针对碳监测的制度目标、制度价值,围绕碳排放监测报告制度、碳排放核证制度、碳监测信息管理制度等进行制度架构,以实现碳监测制度和机制的系统化、法定化。 A set of solid, credible and transparent monitoring system tracing all countries' greenhouse gas emission and reduction ac- tivities is not only the key cornerstone of the international system effectively dealing with global warming, but also the system foundation of a country' s carbon emission policy innovation, carbon emission reduction policy performance evaluation and international climate negotiation and cooperation. The carbon monitoring system is based on the principle of "Monitorable, Reportable and Verifiable" in the climate negotiations, and at present stage it shows the trends of regionalization and nation- alization. The establishment of a carbon monitoring system plays an important role in the building of national capacity of tackling climate change. There is necessary for us to promote the systematization and legalization of the carbon monitoring system. The carbon monitoring system includes the measurement of the carbon emissions, the reporting system for carbon e- missions and reductions, the verification system for the carbon emission reduction, and the management system for the carbon monitoring information.
作者 崔金星
出处 《企业经济》 北大核心 2012年第8期15-18,共4页 Enterprise Economy
基金 教育部人文社科基金青年项目"我国温室气体减排立法研究"(批准号:10YJC820127) 四川省教育厅人文社科基地四川循环经济研究中心项目"气候变化背景下我国发展循环经济的策略与路径选择"(批准号:XHJJ-1020) 西南科技大学青年基金项目"我国碳交易法律促导机制研究"(批准号:12sx3111)
关键词 碳监测 能力建设 法律价值 制度架构 carbon monitoring capacity building legal value system architecture
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