
戒烟门诊220例戒烟求助者问卷调查分析 被引量:12

An analysis of a questionnaire survey on 220 smokers attended a smoking cessation clinics
摘要 目的分析220例戒烟求助者的人口学特征及其吸烟习惯等,为戒烟门诊服务工作提供依据。方法采用统一问卷,用自我填表的形式对220名来戒烟门诊寻求帮助的戒烟者进行基线调查。收集个人资料、有关吸烟习惯、尼古丁的依赖程度、戒烟的阶段、吸烟危害的认知和态度、戒烟成功的信心、困难程度等资料。以SPSS软件统计分析各参数的构成比。结果戒烟者的平均年龄为41岁,绝大多数(96%)为男性,(73%)多数是已婚,21~40岁占56%,大专以上文化水平的占54%,在职人员占75%。吸烟开始的平均年龄为20岁,16~19岁占48%。74%为中重度尼古丁依赖者,79%曾试过戒烟,46%试过2~5次。35%处于戒烟行动阶段,51%处于考虑戒烟阶段。过去6个月内有向医生求诊的经历,71%表示未有接受过任何戒烟忠告。结论需进一步加强吸烟有害健康的宣传,并且普及医务人员规范的戒烟服务的培训,提高医务人员戒烟服务水平。促进更多的戒烟求助者戒烟。 Objective To analyze demographic characteristics and smoking habits of 220 smokers who sought for help to quit,and to provide information for smoking cessation clinic services.Methods A structured questionnaire was used to collect information on personal data,smoking habit,nicotine dependence,stage of ready to quit smoking,knowledge of and the attitudes towards using smoking hazards,perceived confidence,importance and difficulties on quitting smoking.Data analysis was done SPSS were.Results Among 220 smokers,the average age was 41,the great majority(96%) were male,and 73% married;56% were 21-40 years old,54% them had higher education attainment and 75% were employed.The average age of beginning smoking was 20 years,and 48% of stanted smoking at 16-19 years.74% were moderately and heavily nicotine dependent.79% had tried once quitting,and 46% tried 2-5 times.35% were at the action stage,and 51% were at the preparation stage of quit smoking.During clinical visits in the past 6 months,71% of them were not provided any smoking cessation advice from doctors.Conclusion It is necessary to further increuse publicity on smoking hazards and to strengthen training on smoking cessation skill for health care professional to improve their smoking cessation skills,which can help more smokers to quit smoking successfully.
出处 《中国健康教育》 2010年第5期374-377,共4页 Chinese Journal of Health Education
关键词 戒烟门诊 问卷 调查 Smoking cessation clinics Questionnaire Survey
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