目的研究煤矿职工家庭功能状况及其影响因素,为促进煤矿职工家庭功能改善提供理论依据。方法采用家庭关怀度指数问卷(APGAR)、酒依赖问卷(MAST)、生命质量量表,对整群抽取的2个矿区1 180名煤矿职工进行问卷调查。结果35.99%的煤矿职工有家庭功能障碍。单因素分析显示,煤矿职工在不同婚姻状况和信仰上的家庭功能得分有显著差异。生命质量中5个维度的得分(正相关)以及酒依赖程度(负相关)分别和家庭功能状况之间有显著相关关系(P<0.05)。多因素分析显示酒依赖、生命质量和信仰是家庭功能的影响因素。结论煤矿职工的家庭功能状况值得关注,需要采用必要干预措施,促进煤矿职工家庭功能的改善。
Objective To describe family function status and to explore its influential factors of the Coal Miner, so as to provide evidence for improving the family function. Methods Using cluster sampiing, 1 180 coal miners were surveyed with questionnaire about family function (APGAR), alcohol dependence (MAST) and so on in two mines of Huainan in Anhui Province. Results The proportion of family dysfunction was 35.99 %. Single variable analysis showed that marriage status and faith were important influential factors to scores of family function. Significant positive correlations was observed between scores of each dimensions of quality of life except economic status and family function status. Negative correlation was observed between alcohol dependence and family function status. The results of multivariable analysis showed that alcohol dependence, quality of life and faith were predicting variable of family function. Conclusions More attention should be paid to family function in coal miners. Corresponding method of intervention should be used to improve their family function.
Chinese Journal of Disease Control & Prevention