
文化差异对总部知识转移的调节效应研究:基于德资跨国公司的调查 被引量:6

Moderating Effects of Cultural Difference on Knowledge Transfer from Headquarters to Subsidiaries: Based on the Survey of Germany MNCs
摘要 文化差异是跨国公司跨国界知识转移的重要壁垒.以德资跨国公司为例,借鉴Hofstede的民族文化模型,分析个体主义—集体主义、权力距离、不确定性规避、长期导向—短期导向四个维度上的文化差异对总部知识转移动力、转移渠道的丰富性与知识转移效果之间关系的调节作用,并据此提出相应的提高跨文化知识转移效果的措施. Culture difference is a significant barrier in the cross-cultural knowledge transfer in MNCs. Taking Germany MNCs as the research targets, it recurs to Hofstede's national culture model to analyze the moderating effects upon knowledge transfer effectiveness of the cultural differences including four dimensions of individualism versus collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, short-term orientation versus long-term orientation. At last, it puts forward some measures to improve the effectiveness of cross-cultural knowledge transfer from MNCs' headquarters to their Chinese subsidiaries.
作者 徐笑君
出处 《研究与发展管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第6期1-8,18,共9页 R&D Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70671028)
关键词 文化差异 知识转移 德国跨国公司总部 在华子公司 cultural difference knowledge transfer headquarters of Germany MNCs Chinese subsidiaries
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