
跨国公司总部向在华子公司转移知识的影响因素模型构建 被引量:16

A Model of Influencing Factors on Knowledge Transfers from MNC's Headquarter to Its Subsidiaries in P.R. China
摘要 分析了跨国公司总部的知识传播能力、传播意愿、显性知识和隐性知识转移渠道的丰富性、子公司知识吸收能力和吸收意愿对知识转移效果的影响,并建立了相应的模型。研究发现,民族文化差异和冲突是影响跨国公司内部知识转移的重要障碍,民族文化差异和冲突对总部知识传播能力、子公司知识吸收能力与知识转移效果之间关系的具有调节作用,并据此提出了相应的提高跨文化知识转移效果的措施。 This article focuses on analyzing the impact of headquarter's knowledge diffusing capability,diffusing motivation,richness of explicit and tacit knowledge transferring channel,its subsidiaries' absorptive capacity and absorptive motivation on the effectiveness of knowledge transfer,and builds the theoretical model.The results show that national cultural difference is a significant barrier in the cross-cultural knowledge transfer within MNCs.The cultural differences have moderate effects upon the relationship of headquarter's knowledge diffusing capability and subsidiaries' absorptive capacity with knowledge transfer effectiveness.Measures are put forward to improve the effectiveness of cross-cultural knowledge transfer from MNCs' headquarters to their subsidiaries.
作者 徐笑君
出处 《管理学报》 CSSCI 2010年第6期896-902,共7页 Chinese Journal of Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70671028) 国家社会科学基金资助重大项目(07&ZD042)
关键词 知识转移 影响因素 民族文化差异 跨国公司总部 在华子公司 knowledge transfer influencing factors national cultural difference headquarters subsidiaries in China
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