
体外评估不同根管充填材料对牙周膜细胞的毒性 被引量:4

Cytotoxic evaluation of various root canal filling materials on periodontal ligament cell in vitro
摘要 目的通过体外实验评估4种根管充填材料对牙周膜细胞的毒性。方法体外培养牙周膜细胞,取AH Plus、Cortisomol、RoekoSeal和氧化锌丁香油糊剂4种材料的新鲜和陈旧样本,新鲜样本在材料固化后即刻提取浸提液,陈旧样本于37℃恒温水浴箱内放置7d提取浸提液,并分别制成50%稀释液,与人牙周膜细胞接触24h、48h,通过二甲基噻唑二苯基四唑溴盐比色法,比较不同时期、不同浓度、不同材料对牙周膜细胞的毒性。结果新鲜样本:RoekoSeal对牙周膜细胞无毒性,AH Plus有轻度毒性,Cortisomol和氧化锌丁香油糊剂有重度毒性;陈旧样本:RoekoSeal对牙周膜细胞有轻度毒性,AH Plus,Cortisomol有中度毒性,氧化锌丁香油糊剂仍为重度毒性;随着浸提液与细胞作用时间延长,RoekoSeal和AH Plus的毒性增强,统计学上有显著意义;而Cortisomol和氧化锌丁香油糊剂的毒性与细胞作用时间长短无相关性。4种材料浸提液原液和50%稀释液之间无显著差异。结论RoekoSeal不论在何种情况下,是4种材料中对牙周膜细胞影响最小的材料。 Objective To evaluate the cytotoxicity of four root canal filling materials on periodontal ligament cells. Methods Periodontal ligament cells were cultured in vitro. Four root canal filling materials AH Plus, Cortisomol, RoekoSeal and zinc oxide-eugenol were selected, each including fresh and aged specimens. Extraction of fresh specimens was carried out after setting and aged specimens were kept in a humid chamber at 37℃ for 7 days before extraction. Periodontal ligament cells were exposed to either diluted (50%) or original eluates for 24h and 48h. Cell viability was examined by 3-[ 4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl ]-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide method. Results In fresh specimens, Cortisomol and zinc oxide-eugenol were more cytotoxic than other materiarls. In aged specimens, RoekoSeal was slightly eytotoxic, AH Plus and Cortisomol presented moderately cytotoxic, and zinc oxide-eugenol showed strongly cytotoxic. When the cells were exposed to eluates for 48 h, RoekoSeal and AH Plus enhanced cellular viability, whereas Cortisomol and zinc oxide-eugenol presented slightly negative effects on cell viability. No significant difference was found between diluted (50%) and original eluates. Conclusion RoekoSeal had the least cytotoxic effect on periodontal ligament cells.
出处 《北京口腔医学》 CAS 2009年第6期305-308,共4页 Beijing Journal of Stomatology
基金 首都医学发展基金重点课题(2005-236)
关键词 根管充填材料 牙周膜细胞 二甲基噻唑二苯基四唑溴盐比色法 Root canal filling materials Periodontal ligament cell MTT assay
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