
基于多光谱图像分析的温室黄瓜叶片营养元素检测与诊断 被引量:12

Nitrogen Content Testing and Diagnosing of Cucumber Leaves Based on Multispectral Imagines
摘要 采用CCD照相机加滤光片的方法,进行了基于多光谱图像分析的温室黄瓜叶片营养元素检测与诊断研究。对近红外光波段的叶片图像分别采用遗传算法和分水岭算法进行阈值选取,对两种算法二值化的效果进行对比分析,结果表明采用分水岭方法分割的图像,边界清晰,噪音小,与原图像更接近,背景和叶片分离的效果更好。NDVI与叶面积、叶片含氮量之间有明显的线性关系,R^2分别为:0.820 9和0.701 7。GNDVI与叶面积、叶片的含氮量之间也有较高的线性关系,R^2分别为:0.762 5和0.676 2。RVI与叶面积之间有明显的线性相关关系,R^2为0.857 7,但与叶片的含氮量之间则包含了非线性成分,R^2为0.598 8。以上结果表明,CCD照相机加滤光片可以作为一种作物含氮量信息的快速诊断方法。 Using CCD camera and special filters, the growth parameters of cucumber plants, the nitrogen content and the area of leaves, were investigated in an experimental greenhouse. In order to make nutrient stress to the plants, different nitrogen levels were prepared. The basic nitrogen content was 0. 067 kg · L^-1 and four different levels of nitrogen contents were made to be 2, 1, 0. 5, and 0. 2 N, respectively. The genetic and water-segment methods were used to separate IR and R^2 images from the background. It was found that the result of water-segment is better. It has clearer boundary, less noise and closer result to the original image. After the reflectance information of cucumber leaves was obtained, the vegetation indexes, RVI, NDVI and GNDVI, were calculated and then the correlation coefficients between each vegetation index and nitrogen content or leave area were analyzed. The result shows that there is an obvious linear correlation between NDVI and nitrogen content of leaves or leave area and the Rz are 0. 820 9 and 0. 701 7, respectively. The high correlations were also observed between GNDVI and nitrogen content of leaves or leave area, and the Rz are 0. 762 5 and 0. 676 2, respectively. The reason is that the reflectance of IR is mainly affected by reflectivity and the canopy structure of cucumber leaves. As biomass and area of leaves increase with the nitrogen content, the reflectivity of leaves becomes stronger. And the gap among cells of high nitrogen content leaves is large. Cell wall has more water, which has a strong effect on the reflectivity of NIR. At visible wavelength, the reflectance of cucumber leaves decreases as nitrogen content increases since the chlorophyll content increases as nitrogen content increases. The trend of correlation between RVI and nitrogen content disagreed with that of the correlation between RVI and leave area. There is an ohvious linear correlation between RVI and leave area, and the R2 is 0. 857 7. However, the correlations between RVI and nitrogen content exhibit a
出处 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期210-213,共4页 Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30871453) 国家“863”项目(2007AA10Z207)资助
关键词 多光谱 氮含量 NDVI 黄瓜 图像处理 Spectral characteristic Nitrogen content NDVI Cucumber Image processing
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