隐性知识共享是知识管理的重要环节,隐性知识共享与传播的效率是组织知识管理效率的重要影响因素。从行为角度研究隐性知识共享是提高隐性知识共享效率的重要途径。利用社会网络分析(Social Networks Analysis)方法构建知识不对称网络并从社会网络的角度对隐性知识共享的效率进行定量分析,最后提出知识不对称网络中隐性知识共享的优化方法。
Tacit knowledge sharing and transfer is a important step for knowledge management, and constructing taict knowledge sharing and transfer network is an important approach to enhance the efficiency of knowledge sharing and transfer. Because of different sharing and transfer patterns of explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge, the methods to improve efficiency of knowledge sharing and transfer are different. This paper constructs knowledge sharing and transfer network in view of behaviors, analyzes mutual relations between network members and computes the optimum knowledge transfer path. Social network analysis (SNA) is applied to analyze and optimize transfer path for tacit in order to improve tacit knowledge sharing.
Information Science