Objective To study the effects of Salvia Miltiorrhiza injection(SMI) on the apoptosis of polymorphonu- clear leukocyte(PMN) and the levels of inflammatory cytokines TNF- α and IL- 6 in patients with acute edematous pan- creatitis. Methods Thirty- five patients with acute edematous pancreatitis were treated with SMI, and dO acute ede- matous pancreatitis patients remedied routinely were taken as contrasts. The apoptosis of PMN was detected with flow cy- tometry and the levels of cytokines IL - 6 and TNF --α were tested before and after treatment. Results The total utility rate (91.43%) of SMI to acute edematous pancreatitis was significantly higher than that of the control group (72. 50% ). After the treatment, the apoptosis of PMNs was promoted in the acute edematous pancreatitis patient treated with SMI compared with the patients remedied routinely, and the levels of IL - 6 and TNF-α in the group treated with SMI were lower than those of control. Conclusion There was a significant therapeutic effect of SMI on patients with acute edematous pancreatitis. The therapeutic mechanism of SMI to acute pancreatitis might be the regulation of the apoptosis of PMN by this herbal medicine, thus controlling the production of inflammatory cytokines, so as to inhibit inflammatory reactions.
Chinese Journal of Surgery of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine