最近国务院正式批准武汉城市圈为"资源节约型和环境友好型"综合改革试验区。为全面、及时的掌握武汉城市圈土地资源的利用现状,本文利用2004、2005年Landsat TM影像数据,对该区域的土地利用现状进行了遥感制图与分析。研究显示,本区的耕地占绝对的优势地位,占总面积的50.58%,林地覆盖近1/3,水域面积大,占9.89%,建设用地也不少,占6.42%,草地的覆盖率较小,仅占区域面积的2.44%,未利用地所占比重很小。土地利用的区域差异显著,耕地、水域和城镇主要分布在区域内的江汉平原和鄂东沿江平原,林地集中分布在该区的东北部和南部。区域土地利用不合理,人均耕地少,不及全国平均水平,后备耕地资源稀缺,林地质量差。因此,只有实行最严格的耕地保护制度,进一步开展森林恢复与保育工作,持续不断地改善土地利用结构,为建设"环境友好型和资源节约型"的武汉经济圈奠定良好的资源与生态环境基础。
The State Council recently approved the Wuhan Metropolitan Area as a com- prehensive reform zone of the resource-economical and environment-friendly experimental. In order to investigate the land resource utilization of Wuhan Metropolitan Area timely and thoroughly, the land use map is made by interpreting the Landsat TM images acquired in 2004 and 2005. The research results indicate that the cultivated land is absolutely dominant and accounts for 50.58% of the whole area; accounts for 9.89%;buih-up land takes up 6.42%; woodland covers one third; water area grassland just accounts for 2.44% and the proportion of unused land is the least. Spatial differentiation of land use in the area is remarkable. Arable land, waters and towns in the study area are mainly distributed in the Jianghan Plain or along the Yangtze River Delta plain. Woodland concentrates in the area of the north-east and the south. Land use styles are unsuitable in some way. Arable land per capita is less than that of national average. The reserve of arable land is very limited and quality of woodland is very poor. As a result, only by implementing the strictest rules and regulations to protect arable land, adjusting land use structure constantly and further developing forest restoration and conservation work, can we lay a good foundation of resources and ecological environment to build resource-economical and environment-friendly Wuhan Metropolitan Area.
World Regional Studies