
普通高校体育教师职业认同理论模型构建与实证研究 被引量:36

College Sport Teachers' Career Identity: Theoretic Model Construction and Positivist Study
摘要 基于Judge,Bono,Erez&Locke(2005)的核心自我评价模型和目标自我和谐模型,构建了普通高校体育教师职业认同的假设模型,并以265名普通高校体育教师为被试,采用问卷调查和数理统计方法对该模型进行了验证。结果表明:1)普通高校体育教师职业认同是由情感认同、持续认同和规范认同构成的三维结构;2)核心自我评价、目标自我和谐影响着普通高校体育教师的职业认同;3)核心自我评价和目标自我和谐又通过职业认同影响普通高校体育教师的工作倦怠。 Based on the model proposed by Judge, Bono, Erez & Locke (2005), which integrated the core self-evaluation model and goal self-concordance model, this study investigates a model of college sport teachers' career identity. 265 college sport teachers are tested by questionnaire and mathematical statistics. Results show that: 1 ) those teachers' career identiry can be conceptualized as a three-dimensional structure that involves affective, continuance and normative identity; 2) Core self-evaluation and goal self-concordance affect the teachers' career identity; 3) It is also revealed that core selfevaluation and goal self-concordance mediate college sport teachers' job burnout by career identity.
作者 汤国杰
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期98-101,共4页 Journal of Beijing Sport University
基金 2008年度浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题(编号:08WTJY001YBM)
关键词 职业认同 核心自我评价 目标自我和谐 工作倦怠 career identity core self-evaluation goal self-concorhance job burnout
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